
Showing posts from January, 2023

What objections were made to the Nuremburg trials after WWII?

Most people know that after the close of the Second World War, the victorious Allied powers put some of the Third Reich's most heinous leaders on trial for war crimes. In what became known as the the Nuremberg trials , the Allied Tribunal convicted 19 defendants and acquitted three. In the process, the world saw and heard graphic evidence of the Nazis' worst war crimes, including f ootage of Nazi concentration camps and detailed description of Hitler's inhuman "Final Solution." The trials were widely considered a victory for democracy and the rule of law - and a warning to future dictators that the civilized world would not tolerate hateful behavior.  But not everyone felt that way. Just as there are Republicans who object to the Democrats'  "Jan. 6th Committee" investigating the Capital insurrection of 2021 (even as they push for investigations of Anthony Fauci and Hunter Biden's laptop), many critics opposed the work of the Nuremburg tribunal. ...

AI measures Kevin McCarthy

Continuing our attempt to get artificial intelligence to settle the key issues of the day...  Given the mayhem in Congress this week, I asked ChatGPT to give me the lowdown on Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, the man humiliating himself in his quest to become  House Speaker.  I asked the AI, " Please sum up the leadership qualities and weaknesses of Kevin McCarthy." Here's what it gave me back: Kevin McCarthy is an American politician who has served as the House Minority Leader since 2019. He was previously the House Majority Leader from 2014 to 2019. Here are some possible leadership qualities and weaknesses of Kevin McCarthy: Leadership qualities: Ability to build relationships and work effectively with other politicians, including members of his own party and those from across the aisle; Strong communication skills, including the ability to deliver clear and concise messages to a variety of audiences; Ability to develop and execute political strategies and tactics, in...

Exploring the political bias of AI

  One of today's most important technologies is the use of Artificial Intelligence to create entirely new works in sectors such as writing, visual arts and the sciences, where we have tended to believe that personal creativity and talent would always reign supreme. A popular AI bot,  #ChatGPT , is trampling old notions of art and creativity. This blog will delve into ChatGPT's works and capability to explore what the rise of robot writing means to society, creativity, and even democracy. And how the knowledge and output of ChatGPT can shed light on today's most important issues. For my first post, I decided to test for political bias in ChatGPT by asking the AI to write 2 letters: one defending the tearing down of Confederate statues in the South, the other defending those statues. SKIP TO THE END: The AI didn't stonewall. Its vigorous defence of the "hurt and marginalized" warms my heart.  "I believe that it is important to listen to the voices of thos...